The Transfiguration Of The Lord

ON THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD Originally published by Blessed Is She   I will never forget that ecstatic feeling, as we sat on top of “First”, the minor summit above Grindelwald, Switzerland. We were a troupe of 10, making our way to the 50th Charismatic Jubilee celebrations in Rome and had stopped […]

Healing After Infertility

HEALING AFTER INFERTILITY Originally published by Blessed Is She   “Am I going to continue to trust God, even if He never fulfills the longings of my heart?”   The news devastated me. I had low estrogen levels, coupled with chronic PCOS. “It may be a long wait,” the doctor said. Waiting! Again! We had spent […]

Fasting – God’s Way

FASTING – GOD’S WAY Lent is here and it’s a good time to offer some thoughts to take us into this penitential period. Traditionally, the Church prescribes extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a token of Lenten sincerity and as an act of compassion. As Charismatic Catholics, we are well used to practicing these disciplines: […]

Hope Of Advent

HOPE OF ADVENT The reason why Pixar movies are so popular is not only because of their attention-grabbing animation, but also because many of their themes resonate deeply with Hope, something we desperately need in our world. We are captivated by their stories and awed by their imagination, beauty and truth even amidst stark and […]

Million Miracles

MILLION MIRACLES “College brat” a title I cannot deny that was fitting for me back in my teen years. My life then revolved around a materialistic culture. I didn’t see beauty or worth in relationships and so it didn’t matter how much love my family showered me with, there was never a sense of gratitude […]

Something About Mary

SOMETHING ABOUT MARY There’s something about Mary!   I’d be lying if I say I knew exactly what this meant, following my conversion in 2004. My journey to Catholicism has been long and wrecked with confusion. Among many things, Mary was a big deal. I struggled with Our Lady’s place in the life of the […]

A Wilderness Experience

  A WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE We’re in the season of Lent. Living in an arid land myself, the word wilderness which is starkly associated with Lent is not foreign to me, both visually and metaphorically. But regardless of how dry and wilted our habitat may be, at a deeper level we are all invited to this […]

Taste & See

  TASTE & SEE One of the gifts of being a woman is having the ability to juggle a few things at the same time. Work, family and ministry to name a few. I have always been a person who loves to have a few things going on at the same time.  I am not […]

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