Originally published by Blessed Is She


I will never forget that ecstatic feeling, as we sat on top of “First”, the minor summit above Grindelwald, Switzerland. We were a troupe of 10, making our way to the 50th Charismatic Jubilee celebrations in Rome and had stopped to soak in some Swiss splendor. One morning, I made my way alone to a tiny hill where we gathered for our early morning worship. As I walked amidst the serene, still, gigantic landscape, I heard it. I raced uphill, my heart pulsating with what felt so familiar, until I saw it—a river—gushing forth from the mountains, flooding my sight with sensational awe, as the words “current of grace” inundated my spirit.


That afternoon, I learnt that it was very unusual to sight melting snow in May. Current of grace, indeed!


I really think this is why Jesus did it, why He showed a glimpse of His heavenly glory to Peter, John, and James in the Transfiguration and why He continues to woo us with beauty, truth, and mercy on earth. We are made for Heaven.


In this feast, we are invited to those “thin places” where the membrane separating Heaven and earth becomes transparent and Jesus is seen “unveiled”. Standing with Moses and Elijah, His face shone like the sun, His garments glowing with light, as a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from Heaven thundered:


“This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”



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