Unravel Podcast

Your story matters

As a new Christian, I would have hardly believed these words.

The brokenness of my past and bitter experiences of life made it hard to believe that my story had any worth or that my voice had any value.

Over the years, I encountered scores of women with similar stories whose lives marked by hurt and heartache looked like knotted threads –– tangled and purposeless without beauty.

But for Christ…….this is where the narrative changes. My story, your story, our story matters because it is deeply entwined in His story of Hope, Healing and Redemption. We discover God –– a ‘Master Storyteller’ and ‘Grand Weaver’, continually at work, weaving all the threads of our lives to make something new, something beautiful.

So, whether you are a stay-home mom battling your daily grind, a woman in business juggling work-life balance, or a ministry leader coping with your hungry sheep, your witness is brave and it is necessary.

This is my heart for Unravel –– that we create a sacred space for divine connection, encouragement and empowerment….. with stories across cultures from around the world. Here we talk about all that’s messy and beautiful, share all that’s real and raw and dare to dream all that’s salty and saintly within us, with the help of the Holy Spirit and of course freshly brewed coffee.

Sister, let’s face the truth: God doesn’t just want to undo our knots; He desires to create a whole new tapestry.

There are no ordinary threads, only those woven with extraordinary Grace and you are part of that Grand Design.
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Listener’s favorite
The Heart of Unravel
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Religious vocation - Sr. Rita Podcast Episode 14
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