Although being born in a Catholic home that knew the theology about Mary, I could never relate to her. It didn’t matter how much I said the Rosary and Angelus or that I had even done the consecration to the heart to Mary; I just couldn’t connect with her. I interceded through her and most of my intentions were answered far beyond my expectations, but she was too perfect for me.


Mary – My Confidant
Before I met Mary, I believe that God was preparing my heart. I remember a clear incident when I was around 21 and St. Mother Theresa had come to our university to give a talk. After that session, she was walking down the aisle and I saw her looking at me. In a room crowded with hundreds of students, she reached me and clearly prompted by the Holy Spirit, she stopped and asked my name. I could only whisper it as I was crying like a baby. She proceeded to close her eyes and make the sign of the cross over my forehead while she said “Sunita, always be a living image of your loving Mother Mary.” With that she walked away.


I was speechless and weeping. The words were etched in my heart from that day forward. I craved for a deeper relationship with Mary and I finally met her at 22. She personally visited me with an answer to an important decision that would change my life. She became my mom, my confidant, my Spiritual mentor who guided me as a woman, a wife and a mother.


Mary – My Matchmaker
Mary was instrumental in bringing my husband and me together. Strange as it may seem, but my relationship with the Blessed Mother began to grow as she led me to Michael, my spouse. Since then, she has been in my home through every joy and every battle. Mary was our matchmaker. As Michael and I began our family, our deep, shared love for Our Lady, and countless nightly rosaries prayed together, brought our hearts together. Mary also brought Michael closer and deeper in his love for Jesus and he began serving the Church. He led our home in prayer and raised our kids in a godly manner. Our devotion to Mary was the glue that kept our marriage and family together. Mary continues to remain the foundation of our vocation.


Mary – My Mother
I believe Mary’s mission – bringing Christ into the world is ongoing. Her role as mother and disciple of Jesus is an abiding mystery for us and it shapes our way of living. I find in Mary an abundance of mysteries that become central to our lives. From Mary’s Nativity, the Call at the Annunciation, the Visitation, the wedding Feast at Cana, Her walk with Jesus through Calvary and then waiting in expectant hope for the promise of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; all these shaped my vision of “true discipleship” and helped me build my ministry and communities of faith.


Mary doesn’t appear very often in the Gospels, but there are moments in scripture, when she does appear which have been very meaningful to me personally.


1. The “Annunciation”
The angel Gabriel greeted Mary “Hail Full of Grace”.

Mary’s spirituality does not run parallel to Jesus. Her purpose comes from the Presence of Christ within. She is not only impregnated by the Holy Spirit, she gives birth to the Son of God.


Mary would never choose a different mandate from God. It has always been closely connected to God’s will.


All things connected to her life were filled with grace simply because she said “YES”. This helped me in my journey in ministry. It helped me to seek Grace from the Father to lead, to be a grace-filled daughter, a grace-filled wife, a grace-filled mom and a grace-filled disciple who tries her best to say a “YES”.


2. The “Wedding at Cana”
Mary told the Stewards “Do whatever he tells you to do”.

When Mary uttered these words, they were not directed only to the stewards at the banquet, but also to you and me. Mary continues to say to me, “Do what my Son asks of you.” There were times in ministry that I wanted the easy way out, but Mary always led me to be obedient. There were times in my early years and even now as a missionary that I have been through dangerous situations and was often tempted to making a ’U-turn’, only to find Mary’s hand guiding me leading me gently, “Do whatever he tells you to do”.


Mary – My Life Coach
I’ve given my life to Christ through Mary, so I trust that she guides my life even when I don’t perceive it. God does work through Mary as Mediatrix of all Graces, and she does really look out for us.


Mary plays a role, even when it is subtle and unnoticed.


She’s present in two ways. Firstly, she encourages us by her own role. She said “Be it done to me according to thy Word”, but she came to a greater understanding of that proclamation only later in her life. By following Mary’s example, we can take that step of saying, “I will trust God’s will and know that things will work out.” Secondly, when we have hard days and begin to doubt ourselves, we can run to Mary and just talk to her as we would to our own mothers. Let Mary take you under her mantle. She stood at the foot of the Cross when Jesus was crucified. She never abandoned Him through His ministry and through His passion. Like Mary let us have an enduring love for Christ, for our spouse and our children, offering love and support in whatever way we can.


It’s truly beautiful and personal to have a relationship with Mary. She is God’s mother, but she is our mother too. I pray that each of us continue to reflect her example in our journey to her Son.


Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.





Dr. Sunita Mascarenhas is a dentist by profession, but now serves in what she believes to be her God-given call – a full time Intercessory Missionary. She fell in love with Jesus at the tender age of 18 and their bond has only grown sweeter ever since. Sunita was pioneer in starting the English Charismatic Renewal for Qatar in 1995. Since then, she has gone on to serve the Renewal in various capacities, from setting up the 1st NSC in 2010 to serving as a member of  ICCRS Sub-Committee for Asia-Oceania. Sunita is a beloved wife to Michael and mother to two wonderful kids. Reach her @sunitamascarenhas5450

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