E3: God's Love Is Eternal
About the episode
John 3:16, says God so loved the world that He ‘gave’. This very popular biblical verse can easily run through our brains without much cognitive thought but do we really understand what it means when God says He gives us His Son? More importantly how do we live in the reality of John 3:16? In this episode, I share my own learning’s behind this familiar verse which is the cornerstone of our faith.
  1. What struck you most about the episode?
  2. How do you live in the reality of John 3:16?
  3. Where do you struggle to ‘give’?
  1. The Cross wins, because Love wins.
  2. Jesus will-fully went to the Cross, because that was the price of our freedom.
  3. Your sin does not define you, the Cross of Christ does.

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