E14: A Call To Religious Vocation - Part 1 (With Sr. Rita D'Souza)
About the episode
Consecrated life, Vocation, Mission, Charisms, Evangelization… we’re talking about all of this and a whole lot more on this two-part series with Sr. Rita D’Souza. If you have been discerning a call to religious life for yourself or your loved ones, tune in to this podcast episode as Sr. Rita draws from her own vocation journey, clearing out common misconceptions and offering some great insights, while reflecting through the teachings of the Catholic faith.  


Sr. Rita D’SouzaSister Rita D’Souza has been serving in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement since the tender age of 19. She received a call to religious vocation in 1985 and joined ‘Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ’, a Franciscan Charismatic Religious Community in the United States. Sister Rita’s raw passion for the Word of God and her heart for evangelization, unfolds through her teachings, where she captures beautiful stories bringing her listeners to an encounter with Jesus, the Light of the World.
  1. What struck you most about the episode?
  2. How has your relationship with Christ grown since the time you came to know Him?
  3. How do you respond to the urgent sense of evangelisation in our current times?
  1. The Church exists for evangelization.
  2. The Holy Spirit does all the work of evangelization and we are his instruments.
  3. “God can use anything and anyone and any event, even our reluctance and our resistance.” – Sr.Rita

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