E13: City On A Hill
About the episode
On this episode, I reflect on personal and community experiences through the lens of the Transfiguration of the Lord where Christ was revealed in all His glorious splendor. It is my hope that this sharing will serve as a reminder that we all possess this same Glorious Light within us. You and I were created to be a ‘city on a hill’ – to influence, impact and make visible the Light of our Savior.
  1. What struck you most about the episode?
  2. How do you cast your light in the world?
  3. How do you journey with your sisters in your spiritual walk?
  1. Sacred pages end with victory because the light has swallowed the grave and Christ is risen.
  2. Our hope is not dead, it is living because Christ is alive.
  3. The light within you is the light for the world.

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