Originally published by Blessed Is She


It was an ordinary day at work. Svend was frantically shuffling through the papers, his eyes fixated but his body language giving way to the tension that filled the air. In my new role as HR Business Partner, I quickly learned that Svend occupied the position of Drilling Manager for a reason—he was one of the brightest minds in the industry. But I was also aware that he was rough, rude, and curt.


That morning, I heard that his son was critically ill. As the sound of papers filled the air, my heartbeat grew louder. After much resistance I finally uttered, “I heard your son is ill. I hope he is alright.”


I often think back to that moment and wonder why I struggled to speak. Was I afraid to lose my job or afraid to look too “religious”?  How could I show integrity without hiding parts of myself?  As a believer I didn’t want to live with two lives: my work life and my spiritual life. I wanted my life to be integrated.


From Jesus, we learn courage and faithfulness at the workplace. The Gospels beautifully portray Him working as a carpenter, giving us a glimpse into His “secular” labor.


Think about the men He chose. They were called straight out from their workplace with no “religious” credentials. The biblical command is clear: we are to reflect Christ in our day-to-day lives. How much more, then, at our workplaces, where we spend the majority of our adult lives? How can we use that time wisely?



Read the full article here




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